Fussy Eating Support
Josephine and Caroline answer picky eating questions, giving expert advice and a whole host of fussy eating strategies for parents to implement.
The Top 4 Things You Need to Plan Ahead for Mealtime Success.
The Top 4 Things You Need to Plan Ahead for Mealtime Success.
Managing well-intentioned comments from family members
Strategies for encouraging adventurous eating in the holidays
Surviving fussy eating through the festive season
Strategies for encouraging adventurous eating in the holidays
NEW fussy eating research: genetics largely responsible but...
Our analysis of, and response to, the latest fussy eating research, based on data from the UK Gemini Study
How can I encourage my child to eat a wider variety of food?
Nutrition coach, Josephine Fernando answers: How can I encourage my child to eat a wider variety of foods?
What to say when your child won’t eat
Parenting coach, Caroline Rowett answers: When my child refuses to eat, what on earth do I say? Currently, I find myself going on and on about healthy food…
3 tips to avoid mealtime battles.
Parenting coach, Caroline Rowett answers: I get so frustrated when my child doesn't eat and then we get into a battle of wills…
How Long a Meal Should Last?
Fussy eating expert and qualified nutritional coach, Josephine Fernando answers the question from our Raising Adventurous Eaters community.
Why Fussy Eating Happens
Caroline, a parenting coach answers: “Why is my child now so fussy? She never used to be!”